To achieve the level of success or impact we desire, the world requires of us to innovate/do something new or at least change our approach to the conventional. And on the NOT SO COMPLICATED Show and Podcast, we talk to trend setters as they talk about their innovations and unique stories that are shaping a new reality in a Not so complicated way
SLUM HOUSE RE-invented: NOT SO COMPLICATED SHOW: EPISODE 32:Plastic bottle & compressed earth house
Innovation Consortium 9 February, 2024 7:00 AM
OKERE CITY: NOT SO COMPLICATED SHOW: EPISODE 30: An African Utopia powered by SHEA butter
Innovation Consortium 8 September, 2023 4:00 AM
From can-openers, car jerks to the more sophisticated micrometer screw gauge, TOOLS are what make our everyday tasks quicker and simpler. So the HOW TO series aim to bridge the “Tools Knowledge” gap in artisans, interns, students, creatives and your everyday Tom by providing free knowledge on how to use different tools to perform specific tasks in a super simplified and practical way. The episodes cover a wide range of tools and tasks, from mechanical workshop tools, motor garage tools to domestic tasks like how to change a light bulb.
THREAD CUTTING: HOW TO series: EPISODE 30: how to use a lathe machine to cut threads
Innovation Consortium 27 March, 2023 1:30 AM
LATHE MACHINE: HOW TO series: EPISODE 29: how to use a lathe machine
Innovation Consortium 20 March, 2023 10:24 AM
V-BELTS:HOW TO series: EPISODE 28: what are machine belts, how to use and replace v-belts
Innovation Consortium 13 March, 2023 1:00 AM
This is an education program we’ve come up with, which exposes kids / youth to learning through using their hands and brain with an aim to impart real hand skills, improve their imagination and forward thinking. It’s a product centered learning.
BAKING AND COOKING (Learn to work skilling 1st edition)
Innovation Consortium 15 March, 2024 3:21 PM
COMPUTER SKILLING (1st Edition of learn to work holiday skilling program)
Innovation Consortium 15 March, 2024 3:54 PM
READING AND DRAWING (1st Edition of Learn to work holiday skilling program)
Innovation Consortium 15 March, 2024 3:27 PM
Motor Cycle Mobile Kiosk Canteen. Street Vending
8 October, 2021 6:45 AM
Metal Fabrication Innovative Fixtures Doors, windows and frames
10 September, 2021 7:15 AM